
Weight Loss

Weight Loss


Having time in our busy lives to exercise, prepare nutritious meals and lead a healthy lifestyle is difficult. Current studies show that two-thirds of all Americans are either overweight or obese with this trend continuing to worsen. Being overweight can lead to many serious health issues including higher risks for diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and the dreaded “c” word…cancer.

The questions is “Why not look and feel your best now?”

The answer…Get control of your health and lose the extra weight in a safe, healthy manner.

At our office we have developed a medically supervised, evidence-based 12-week week weight loss program which focuses on nutrition, exercise and technology, N.E.T. The program includes the following services:

  1. Direct weight loss supervision by board-certified weight loss specialist physician and nutritionist in a convenient location of your choosing.

  2. Initial, mid-program and final visits performed in the office with all other consultations performed conveniently for you through a telemedicine platform.

  3. High tech 3D body composition analysis performed in office monthly to determine body fat composition, lean muscle mass, body shape image and more…

  4. Extensive laboratory studies including “ketosis” finger stick check.

  5. Detailed physical exam performed by physician.

“Your health in the most important investment that you will ever make.” Getting to your optimal weight is one step in your journey to a healthy lifestyle. Our N.E.T. weight loss program can help you achieve your goal of looking and feeling your best.